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I am a second year BSC student. No lies there. And purely through experience and reading books about psychology I came up with this page, hope you like it. Contact me personally here- BBM PIN: 25DE535E..

Sunday 22 December 2013


In this world there are two kinds of people- one who plan everything in their life and two who don't plan anything. Planning means to think of every possibility whenever taking a decision for the present, past or for the future. Many people do not plan anything and so they are confused and puzzled with their life. But only a few people plan everything ahead of time. All the big shots we see today take decisions based on their planning. For example, ABC man is walking on the road and wants to go to XYZ place. So he plans out which mode of transport is the best in terms of economy, time management etc. And thus reaches the XYZ place with efficiency.

Planning in the 21st century is the most important thing. if we don't plan our day, our next hour, our next minute we loose a lot of important time and our decisions are mostly wrong. There is this friend of mine, she's in 11th grade now. Since a few days she has started using planning and my suggested schedule for her daily chores and studies and a significant amount of her time has been managed well and she's happy. But before she had applied PLANNING into her thinking she was just a normal girl. Her decisions were made based on her emotions and her whims and wishes. Normal human beings who can;t control their emotions usually have an outburst often and their decision making is seriously affected.

Planning is a good thing. When you start planning ahead of time, you start thinking. And this thinking helps you to understand each and every situation accordingly, and not by emotions.

Planning can only come into effect when you religiously follow your routine and what you have planned. Make decisions based on your analysis of each and every situation.

Points to be noted while planning a situation:-
1. Emotions are to be left aside while analyzing probabilities.
2. All the probabilities are to be found out and analyzed.
3. Planning should be done considering efficiency in every context.
4. Make multiple plans so that if one goes haywire then the other can be placed in its place. eg: when travelling from CST station in Mumbai to Sion, you can either choose a direct train to Sion. This is plan 1.
But if the trains too crowded you can choose to go to GTB station which 10 minutes from Sion station. This is plan 2. So, here you have a backup plan.

Thus, planning plays a very important role in everyday life. Hope my readers will try to apply this in their lives and not be just any human being on this planet.

Monday 16 December 2013

Welcome Post!. ..about planning...just a sneak peak..:)

Planning things ahead of time helps every human being. Look from every angle, search and find all the possibilities and then a master plan is born...So start planning from today!

Planning ahead of time is a great thing to do. many of us human beings, do not plan the day or even the hour or the next minute. This kind of a behavior will always get you in trouble!

Big personalities like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein always use to plan ahead, and so they succeeded in life. And are now called the "BEST" in what they did. Every scientist plans his experiment in written before hand. And so every accountant plans what to do next, similarly in every career planning is required.

This page has one and only one goal, and that is to deliver help. Everyday, we end up with some or the problems and their solutions are difficult to find. Here I, Kiran Capoor, will help you save your day and help you to have a smile on your face everyday! You must be thinking-" why do I need this guy's help?". Well, instead of paying thousands of dollars, rupees etc. to a psychiatrist why don't you first get help from here? Now, its about ego and pride of a human, you will say I don't need help from anybody. True, every human feels that way. But to get help form others is a great feeling and I am here to help in every part of your life, be it relationships, social life or corporate relations!...Well, psychological help is all a  human needs to GROW, to WIN!...

If you don't believe me, come and ask for help here just once. 

we also have a Facebook Page- https://www.facebook.com/pages/Psycho-Help/162597430613857?ref=hl

We also have a BBM channel where you can check if your help has been answered... Check out the new BBM channel for the page #psychohelp--->C00401924